TENS Therapy
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes and pain relief.
TENS therapy utilizes an electrical current to treat a painful area of the body. Numerous scientific studies have shown electrical stimulation to be an effective treatment for reducing pain, inflammation, and improving function in affected individuals. TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy has been used for decades by the medical field.
People use TENS to relieve pain for several different types of illnesses and conditions. They use it most often to treat muscle, joint, or bone problems that occur with illnesses such as osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia, or for conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, tendinitis, or bursitis. People have also used TENS to treat sudden (acute) pain, such as labor pain, and long-lasting (chronic) pain, such as cancer pain.